Project review and perspectives

Revue à mi-parcours du projet SANCTUM

On 8 February 2019, the mid-term meeting of the project "Crisis Anticipation System by Uchronic Modeling Process" (Sanctum) was held at the MTES, launched a year ago by the Department of Defence, Security and Economic Intelligence (SDSIE).

The Sanctum project is an ambitious project to assist strategic decision-making. It was the subject of a first presentation to the general public at the Assises of the Global Security of the Territories held in Lyon in May 2018 and also organized by the SDSIE.

A question about the SANCTUM project: The Cerema and the other partners are at your disposal to provide you wirh information on the project aimed to assist the strategic decision making.

High-level speakers, including several from the United States, Germany and Sweden, showed strong support for the project and highlighted the relevance of a largely multidisciplinary approach to decision-making strategic.

For the MTES, this project now gives a high visibility to our actions in crisis management. These actions are a necessary condition for the success of the ecological transition in long-term. Crisis management within the MTES, beyond the immediate response, must concider the globality of the phenomena and above all their anticipation.

Our ministry, the guarantor of the continuity of activities vital to the nation, carries a global conception of safety, consistent with our fields of action : transport, energy, water, environment, housing, development, natural hazards and technology, green growth.

At a time when the contexts of crises are constantly changing, our fundamentals are shaken, and in many areas we are facing the unknown, those whose mission is to manage crises must propose, despite these uncertainties, a course of action.

This is precisely the goal of the Sanctum project. Anticipation has been, for a longtime, the weak link in crisis management. The result of feedback from the many government-level crises that this Department has been associated with in recent years, the Sanctum project aims to conceptualize a method of anticipation and thus contribute to decision-making.


Séminaire et prospective

Il s'est déroulé le vendredi 8 février 2019 de 9h30 à 16h30 au 244 boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris


09h30           Accueil – Enregistrement, café

09h45           Présentation générale de la démarche SANCTUM

10h00           La pratique actuelle de l’anticipation de crise

10h15           Premiers résultats : Etat de l’art et besoins (lot 1)

10h45           Principes de la méthodologie SANCTUM (lot 2)

11h15           De la donnée à la connaissance (lot 3)

11h30           Preuve de concept et projet de démonstrateur (lot 4)

11h45           Analogies avec la prévision météorologique

12h30           Photo - Echanges autour d’un déjeuner - buffet


12h30           Photo - Echanges autour d’un déjeuner - buffet

14h00           Le contrôle des biais cognitifs

14h30           L’intelligence stratégique et les « innovations foudroyantes »

14h50           Approche sociophysique des mécanismes de prise de décision en groupe

15h15           L’intelligence artificielle et la prise de décision

15h30           L’automatisation des processus cognitifs

15h45           Regards croisés sur la démarche SANCTUM+

16h00           Conclusions : vers SANCTUM+